As I look at the clock it is about to hit 3AM, the glow of the monitor barely illuminating my keyboard, I think back to other late night coding sessions. I know I’m not alone in having sudden manic rushes of inspiration in the twilight hours which oftens ends in the purchase of a domain. I bet like many of you too, I left the domain to languish in my Namecheap account pinging me in 12 months that it is about to expire.

A few of my past domains:

  • Did nothing with
  • Did a little bit with
  • Actually launched something

Seeing them listed out like this brings me a little bit of shame, 40% of the domains I never really got past the purchasing phase. It makes me wonder, why do we by domains in the middle of the night? Why do we buy online courses, books, etc in the middle of the night?

Looking at the domains that I purchased with a plan during the day, they usually ended up going somewhere. I don’t really have a definitive theory of why I buy domains so late. It could be that I’m trying to enjoy my current project so buy a new domain as I’m motivated by the next idea. Could it be that late at night I am tired with lowered inhibitions so it is easier to be carried away with an idea and buying a domain is easy to do? Could even be a combination of the two. However that being said the psychology degree on my wall is screaming “this isn’t scientific!”, so who knows? Do you have any thoughts?