When I worked in an E-commerce company, performance was important although to the developers dismay not very important to the business. This changed once we started using Google’s Impact Calculator, it provided a real value to what load time could do. One night I couldn’t sleep, so I was browsing...
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Multiline JavaScript Converter
Useful before ECMA6
In my first frontend web developer job I worked with AngularJS, yes you read that right AngularJS so 1.x. Unfortunately the build process was not able to changed to transpile to ECMA5, so no ECMA6 Template Strings. I found myself trying to automate boring and repetitive tasks, like my previous...
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3AM Domains
A tale of languishing for 12 months
As I look at the clock it is about to hit 3AM, the glow of the monitor barely illuminating my keyboard, I think back to other late night coding sessions. I know I’m not alone in having sudden manic rushes of inspiration in the twilight hours which oftens ends in...
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